Edmonton’s Musical Pathways: A Study in Narrative and Emplacement | University of Alberta Masters' Thesis
Situated within Edmonton's historical and geographic context, this thesis is an exploration of the connection between music and emplacement. Using a locally-situated vernacular narrative to examine some of the stories that Edmonton tells itself about itself, the utility of grounded research models and the potential for advocacy that grows out of them is demonstrated by giving voice to a critical language grounded in local concerns
form divorced from matter | Mx3: Media x3 days, Martin E. Segal Theatre | New York NY
An open work exploration of the collaborative meanings created through the combination of discreet sound objects; part of the Integrated Media Arts Thesis Exhibition
Unpublished Performative Response to form divorced from matter l Mx3: Media x3 days, Martin E. Segal Theatre | New York NY
A critique of Performance Studies through the exploration of the possibilities of Acoustic Scholarship as a vehicle of academic discourse. Dialogically interwoven with the transcribed lecture-presentation given at Mx3, the work plays with the dialectic tension between interpretation and performance, material and symbolic meaning creation, formal and material. Accompanied by Acoustic Commentary.
Edmonton on the Edge: Alley of Light Project | Edmonton AB
Identified by local businesses, residents and researchers as a "lost space", the Alley of Light Project allowed me to extend my academic passion for placemaking into actively producing a more engaging, accessible, safe and sustainable place through grassroots urban intervention. By facilitating how people and institutions connect in an urban environment, I was able to link community concerns with engaged academic research - curating dialogue, topophelia, and collaboration through arts-based events, developing many important connections & forging eclectic, inter-agency collaborations.
Coordinated and curated an outdoor winter light gallery event and competition; liaised with the city, local businesses, artists, designers, media, and University of Alberta Museums to showcase light on a dark winter night
Alley Art Attack
Coordinated a four-part, day-long festival that brought together lost space, community, and artists/musicians/actors/dancers/poets/film makers for a cooperative and interactive arts event; organized human resources, institutional networks, sponsorships, media, and spatial design
Alley of Light Street Arts Festival
Conceived of and executed a festival event bringing community together to create and celebrate public, site-specific art in an outdoor space; collaborated with community groups to bring together dumpster wrapping, collective mural creation, hat and tie making, ready-made tagging, a parade, and a drink & draw
Arts 4 the Alley
As part of a project to remake “lost spaces into dynamic destinations”, engaged and managed local musicians in transforming a loading dock into a concert venue
Proposed Courses & Course Outlines